~*Numbuh4lpluva's Inverted Codename: Kids Next Door Site*~

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~*About Me*~

Well, this is the part of the page where I ramble on about myself, fun. Hope you enjoy!
Name:  Jen
Age:  15
B-day:  June 23, 1989
Sign:  Cancer
Grade:  Going into 10th
School activities *shudder*:  Well, I know I'm doing marching band again, probably stage band and I'm considering yearbook.
Grades:  I'm about a B student, but I still try.
Most annoying thing about school:  Italian class (people of my)
Favorite Bands:  Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, Sum 41, The Clash, and basically anything worth listening to.
Favorite shows:  Codename:  Kids Next Door (duh!), Radio Free Roscoe, Degrassi, Wild Boyz, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Favorite songs:  Runaway (Linkin Park), Points of Athority (Linkin Park), Grand Theft Autum/Where is Your Boy (Fall Out Boy), Pretty in Punk (old school Fall Out Boy), and Calm Before the Storm (both versions by Fall Out Boy)
Favorite foods:  Pizza, Ceasar Salad, Grilled Chicken, Cheeseburgers, Ice Cream, and Cookies.
Pets:  3 Beagles (Lady Leah, Bad Boy Bailey, and Melanie June), and 3 kitties (Wilma, Sassy Pants, and Switchblade Steve-O)
Celebrity Crushes:  Steve-O, Doug Smith,and Nathan Carter.
What bugs me:  Drugs, Drunk Preps, Drug dealers, and Dumb/Immature/Cute Drummers.
Hobbies:  Writing, drawing, reading fanfics, and that's about it.
Favorite KND character:  Numbuh 4 (duh! my screen name is numbuh4lpluva)

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