Numbuh 2, 11
Real name~ Hoagie P. Gilligan Jr.
On paper he's~ the doofus
But in reality he's~ the snot nosed boy that makes all the airplanes and crud for the KND
to go places in and has very little common sense.
Rumor has it~ Numbuh 2s' little bro, Tommy, wants to join the KND so he can be EXACTALLY
like his big bro. (I don't know this for sure, but I think it could make a good new episode)
Line that sums up relationships~
1~ (2) Don't you have a plan or (gets squished) some. thing.
3~ (3) Do you have Bradleys' bottle?
(2) I thought you were gonna bring it!
(3) Oh! So now I have to do everything!
(3) Oh just drop it Numbuh 2!
(2) (Walks into tree house, sighs) I get no respect! (Imitating Numbuh 3) Numbuh 2 do this!
Blah blah blah blah blah blah, Bradley. (Sighs) One of these days! (Walks back into bus) There! Is that all!
(3) Well I don't know? Is it?
4~ (2) Race ya to the corner!
(4) You're on!
5~ (2) Numbuh 3 and I were wondering if you'd like to be Bradleys' Godmother?